Purposeful Aging

How did you get out of bed this morning? Did you leap out of bed eager to begin the day, looking forward to doing the things you really care about? Or did you set the alarm to ‘snooze’ and laze about not wishing to think about the chores that lay ahead? I know that, for many people, the only reason they get out of bed is to avoid being late for a job they really don’t want to do. For others, the job has disappeared, kids have flown the nest, and life has lost its meaning. Where do you go from here?


Whether you are approaching retirement or experiencing a midlife transition, growing older can either be a depressing experience or a great adventure. For many of us, the second half of life stretches out for what may prove to be many years. Are you going to focus on just surviving or are you going to live the good life? Finding something to live for is an essential requirement to a happy and fulfilling life.


I am leading a research study into purposeful aging. If you would like to contribute to this important research, please let me know. Also, if you need help defining your life’s purpose as you consider the second half of your life, or with any life transition, please contact me. Helping you live on purpose in the second half of life is one of my top coaching priorities. I can help you discover your life purpose and begin to live the good life. Join me for an adventure exploring the inner self and the outer world.

To contact me, please email: paulw@purposefulaging.com

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